  • 1 Night
  • 2 Nights
  • 3 Nights
  • 4 Nights
  • 5 Nights
  • 6 Nights
  • 7 Nights
  • 8 Nights
  • 9 Nights
  • 10 Nights
  • 1 Adult
  • 2 Adults
  • 3 Adults
  • 4 Adults
  • 5 Adults
  • 6 Adults
  • No Child
  • 1 Child
  • 2 Children
  • 3 Children
  • 4 Children
  • 5 Children
Local Time

Our Human Resources Policy

Adhering strictly to the principle of impartial equality of opportunity, our company recruits the human resources which it needs from among people who are in possession of: high developmental potential, the knowledge and skills needed for their job, and a willingness to identify with and nurture the company’s and the group’s values.
Our human resources are the bedrock on which our competitive advantage stands.
We expect every employee to identify with our company’s shared values.
We seek to be an employer that people prefer to work for.
In our capacity as an employer, it is a fundamental principle that the needs and expectations both of the company and of its personnel be fair and balanced.
The rules of fairness and equality of opportunity apply in all matters of concern to the company and its employees.
We recognize, reward, and encourage success and superior performance.
We expect every employee to be proficient in the performance of their job and every manager to be effective in the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
We keep up to date on innovations in human resources management and make use of them in line with the company’s needs.

Position Vacancies

  • Bus Boy

    Job Description: Performs bus-boy related duties as a member of the Zorlu Grand Hotel Food & Beverages Staff.

    Basic Requirements:

    • Male and female candidates must have at least a lycee diploma: preference is given to those who have graduated from a tourism & hospitality professional school or lycee or who have undergone training at a tourism training center.
    • At least one year’s previous work experience is required.
    • Candidates must be willing and able to work any shift.
    • Successful candidates will have a good command of the English language, be presentable in their appearance, have good diction, and be capable of providing friendly service and working as a member of a team.

  • Waiter

    Job Description: Performs waiter-related duties as a member of the Zorlu Grand Hotel Food & Beverages Staff.

    Basic Requirements

    • Male and female candidates must have at least a lycee diploma: preference is given to those who have graduated from a tourism & hospitality professional school or lycee or who have undergone training at a tourism training center.
    • At least two year’s previous work experience is required.
    • Candidates must be willing and able to work any shift.
    • Successful candidates will have a good command of the English language, be presentable in their appearance, have good diction, and be capable of providing friendly service and working as a member of a team.

Personal Data Information

Unless specifically requested, we ask you to ensure that your CV does not contain sensitive personal data listed below.

Data on race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, clothing, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, biometric and genetic data.